7.3 Sky

Title: Friday Morning
Portrays: The sky this morning as the wind tipped the recycling bin over and the paper went flying.
Size: 12x12 in
Media: Acrylic paints and oil paints


  1. This piece is absolutely beautiful! The mountains and a specially the clouds are so realistic. I think you really nailed this assignment. I love the recycling flying through the air.

  2. I love this piece it looks so awesome. I like how realistic it looks.

  3. This is awesome. I love how it looks realistic. The colors all look great and they complement each other. I like the story behind it. Great job. Looks great :)

  4. This is so pretty. I love how real it looks and how right on the colors are for the sky. I also really like how the paper in the air it make it look really cool.

  5. I think this is mesmerizing, I love the colors and the complete flow the painting has. I really like the papers flying in the wind, it makes me think of a dramatic part in a movie or anime, kinda like "Paper man". I think this is so cool.

  6. This is beautiful! The clouds are amazing and the sky is so realistic. You are so talented.


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